admit that I’m not as much of a Pixar fan as I used to be. There was a time when I had Toy Story stickers on my F-150. I have probably seen fewer than 50% of their films by this point, but I can’t say I’ve ever disliked one.
This week my son went to the Pixar exhibit at OMSI. This was a fundraiser for his school, so it was only families from 2 Portland public schools. That was a perfect way to enjoy the exhibit.

Most of it consisted of pretty slick computer graphics stations. They walked the kids through various steps like modeling, color and lighting. He never had to wait for more than one kid to take his turn! Some of the stations had no line! We have been to these special exhibits and know how crowded they can get on weekends. I’m sure it’s like Disney World packed into a Starbucks. He got to play with these, and create things for almost as long as he wanted. It was a pretty fun night.