The Sympathizer

red and yellow banner for Sympathizer show. Actors are pictured, looking suspicious

I really love the 7-part TV series The Sympathizer on HBO. As wacky as it could be, it filled in some of the context from when I worked at a Vietnamese-owned clinic with a large number of Vietnamese patients. It still humbles me some of the adversity people have been through. Spoilers after the break. Continue Reading


Freeski slopestyle


I think Slopestyle Freestyle Skiing gets my vote for most insane event in the Winter Olympics. There’s flips, spins, backwards stuff. And the USA won gold! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofHRWcA9XrY For some reason stupid NBC won’t let me embed the video. I hope… Continue Reading




Also on the subject of The Witcher. This guy: Let’s be serious, he would not exist in a universe without motorcycles. He might still carry a sword, but he would be on a Harley, not a horse.


The Witcher

I just finished watching the second season of the Witcher. It’s not always a great show, but it is consistently entertaining. Behold the mother of forests, the Deathless Mother, nesting in dreams. Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut.… Continue Reading


Doom Patrol

I am again going to sing the praises of the TV show Doom Patrol. I went into watching the 3 seasons on the recommendation of my brother and almost no familiarity with the comics. As I wrapped up the finale… Continue Reading