My son and I are just about done reading the excellent physics book We Have No Idea.

This is a great intro to the Big Questions facing the next generation of physicists. It covers dark matter, dark energy, the first moments of the big bang, cosmic rays, mass, alien life, etc. He’s eating it up. He wants to know more and more about quantum mechanics and I’m not much help.
I’m quite proud of his drawing of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It will be a challenge to continue to encourage his love of physics.

Well…..our grandson’s drawing is just amazing! Good job! His interests are so diverse, but I really like that he’s enjoying physics! In my own life right now, my main focus in the fields of math and physics involves trying to determine if a strong wind from the west could uproot a ginormous oak tree in my neighbor’s yard, and whether the tree has grown so high that heavy branches could reach and demolish our bedroom! 🤓