I don’t know what Dream Whip is. It’s some sort of white powder that turns into goodness. Like cocaine, but you can turn it into a pie. Every Thanksgiving or Christmas, my dear wife wife turns a box of Dream Whip and a box of Godiva pudding mix into an absolutely amazing pie. There’s just one problem — Dream Whip is getting harder and harder to find.

It used to be available at Fred Meyer year round. Then it was only available seasonally. Then it was only in certain stores. This year, it seemed to be nowhere. My wife called up all the major grocery chains to no avail. Finally she phoned the Fred Meyer that had the Dream Whip last year. They had some!
I rushed down the Interstate, across the Marquam bridge to Burlingame. I looked up and down the baking aisle and found nothing! I spoke to any employee who called his manager. The manager said the Dream Whip was behind the customer service desk. The customer service guy had it: three whole boxes, with clearance stickers. I thanked him for saving them for me. That’s when he said it was weird, the boxes never left customer service. Someone returned them earlier in the day. The funny thing is, he said, that location doesn’t even carry Dream Whip. He doesn’t know where they came from!
A Thanksgiving Miracle.