Beatles Rooftop Concert

I don’t have the time or patience to watch Peter Jackson’s new 8-hour Beatles documentary Get Back. But I did watch the 45 minute rooftop concert. I’ve heard about that concert my entire life, so I was excited to see it. I really wasn’t expecting it to be so solid. The sound quality was excellent and Paul and John’s performances were heartfelt.

The Beatles Rooftop

I didn’t know Paul was such a rock star. I mean, I guess I should have know that, considering he is one of the best selling live acts of all time. For me, Paul has always been a kid or an old man. It was entertaining seeing him in his prime.

I didn’t realize that the concert consisted of several takes of just a few songs. It would have been nice if they had played more songs but I guess they were doing multiple takes for the album.

When I was younger I liked the pop early stuff and was amused by their psychedelic period. As I become more of an old fart, I’m starting to appreciate the later period too. If you have Disney+, check it out.


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One Comment

  1. I’m glad I was young during the years the Beatles came on the scene. Exciting times watching them on TV. They did go through many changes!

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